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At Firestorm LeadGen we develop marketing programs by the numbers, not just pretty pictures and clever words. Analytics comes first AND last. The power of design by the numbers Omni-Channel Marketing lies in coordinating all channels for a powerful consolidated effort. More and better leads are a critical component requirement for growing your business. Finding those good leads without blowing past your budget requires an omni-channel approach. Our experts can provide the response analytics and all the tools needed to make your business brow profitability.

WITH CLI ONESOURCE ANALYTICS FROM FIRESTORM LEADGEN YOU WILL OPTIMIZE YOUR AD SPEND AND ACHIEVE A CLEAR UNDERSTAND OF THE INFLUENCES. Are you paying too much for too few leads from search engines? Are you missing great leads because your SEM budget is too Low? We can help you find that SWEET SPOT in the middle. AND we can keep you in the SWEET SPOT day after day, week after week, year after year. Setting up a budget for SEM is a quickly manageable process to do the first time. Keeping it fine-tuned and optimized for the most leads at the least cost is an entirely different and more difficult challenge. True management of a SEM budget requires ongoing monitoring of results and smart responses to changing results. The algorisms behind search results are unforgiving. What works best on one day may not be optimal the next day. Quality SEM management takes keen observation and agile response.