How can your company utilize this 21st-century tool to boost your ROI through the mail?
There is a better way to find new customers than blanket mailing entire zip codes. Postal carrier routes are significantly smaller demographic units than zip codes. Improved targeting produces more and better leads at a lower price per lead. Mail Advantage is a more engaging mail piece, targeted to better prospects to produce more sales revenue as well as more reliable long-term brand recognition.
Marketing statistics show that 76% of consumers trust postal mail for making purchase decisions. Forty-seven percent of consumers retain printed materials while only 17% retain digital ads.
A professionally designed mail piece with your personalized input plus the power of AI in targeting the best prospects that’s the Mail Advantage. Better targeting, better content leads, lower cost.
Not All Leads Are of Equal Value
You plan an annual marketing program with a mixture of media; postcards, billboards, radio, broadcast media, online search, email, social media, directories, and community involvement programs. Some leads come your way from all of them. Some become lifetime customers, some are once-and-never-again customers, and some never become a customer at all. The marketing channels you use and the content of your marketing messages determine the value of your customers.
Every lead is important. The once-and-never again leads matter. Even the lead that doesn’t turn into a job matters. You want them to remember you
the next time they have a need for home services.
The objective of lead generation is to find all kinds of leads. The best lead generation programs build good relationships by keeping your name in front of your customers over and over. Email programs are part of the customer development effort. Site search and social media are important. Conventional mail contacts are another critical component. Email comes into inboxes, billboards and broadcasts are eye-catchers, site search is there when someone looks for it, but mail comes into a home for a visit.